Monday, November 16, 2009

To any old hippies out there?

i remember a song my parents used to play when i was a kid.i dont know the title and i thought it was by country joe and the fish but i can't seem to find it amongst any of their stuff.what i do remember is all the words so here are some of them;.......bring flowers and lace them around her braid hair,bring leaves from the mountain and boxes of air,bring food and bring wine and things we can share and the moon will shine in her eyes.she will stand in the sea with her body like sand, and dolphins will come kiss the palms of her she opens her arms to the water and land,her smiles will colour the sky......iwould really appreciate finding parents don't remember they're too burnt out.....ha ha

To any old hippies out there?

Country Joe %26amp; The Fish. Pat's Song.

To any old hippies out there?

cant help you with the song but i can say that i had some very good times in the hippie era sooooo gooooood maaaan

To any old hippies out there?

Dont recall the song, but oh those were the days. I'm not burned out, just old!

Would Like Opinions on the "Braider's License" Required In Some States?

I live in Texas and I am a braider. I took a 4 1/2 day braiders course and got my braiders license so that I'd be able to work in a shop, and braid hair without being fined and whatnot. What do you all think of the braiders license requirement in some states? I just wanted other people's opinions, I personally think we should have one so that we can be treated as professionals not just people who do it out their homes. What do you think, please no stupid answers, thanks.

Would Like Opinions on the "Braider's License" Required In Some States?

I personally keep my hair braided and I do go to people's home to get it done. I personally don't think that alot of braiders are going to go out of there way to get a license for it. The only difference of having a license is that u can charge the higher salon prices and u are totally responsible for all damages that a person may sustain. Most people I know braid hair on the side like on weekends or something like that. I don't think that by having a license makes u more qualified than the person at home braiding. It's simply just documented that u completed a course. Good luck with everything!

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

1 Corinthians chapter 14:

As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

1 Timothy chapter 2:

Also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion. Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.

In 1 Peter 3:7 we find: "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the WEAKER partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."

There God says it and COMMANDS it. Shut up!! (Christians only)

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Um maybe cause the Bible was written by males with their own agenda and not by G*d.

But it is lovely how many Christians pick and choose want they want from the Bible.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

LOL!! they cant

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

any type of women cant shut up, its just how they are

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Ha ha ha, the King laughs The King Applause!

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

hope that helps when the building is on fire and u don't get out cuz no1 tells ya. :) don't make stupid comments without at least taking the worst case scenario into consideration.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

if you had any understanding of the times that the bible was written you would understand how stupid and out of context those comments are. Now either learn or SHUT UP yourself

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

just as soon as you join the church. Some rules are specific for place and time. Women are no longer considered uneducatable, nor property. Funny that!

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Basically, this means that if wives have a question about Scripture, they should ask their husbands. The reason for this,is because the husband has a responsibility from God to keep his wife faithful to the Word and teach his household about the truth of God's Word. It's a huge responsibility that he has to answer for if he strays one bit. Also, this encourages the couple and their children to study Scripture at home and learn about it together. It brings the family unit closer together. The man is the head of the house, but he is also told to love his wife as he loves himself. It's not to treat her as a doormat.

God bless you.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

just read it again %26amp; analyze to whom did Paul addressed that passages? to d women in that area's not for all d christian women around d world...

everyone has d right to speak most esp when he/she speaks about d truth...

do u know d freedom of expression?? it's not for men alone...

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

if u aren't a christian then y r u reading the bible? if u are a christian then how can u be so judgemental.

1 timothy chapter 2 mentions a word u didn't see SUBMISSIVENESS aka how they submit to their husbands. not how they lead their life

1 peter 3:7 they are supossed to be the weaker partner because men (unlike you) take care of them and suport them and their children.

also have you read the book RUTH? Ruth was married and her husband died. her sister in law and mother were strong in their faith so they could take care of eachother. in Ruths faith in God (as being a women) was blessed and became remarried.

there is also the story of ESTER. she married the king and she saved her people aka jews by going to the king ( head man of the nation) and asked him to not kill his people. back then if a women talked out of her place and wasn't summoned, their were killed. God proected her because she had FAITH and SPOKE OUT to the KING.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

coz. this ain't a church. it is a yahoo looser for athei-twits anonymous.

I hope every Christian woman alive, eats you up and spits you out like the trash on earth you represent.

I love you. *kiss* God Bless You.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

yea we will when you do

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

You are an idiot. Enough said.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Typical men!!! They always complain about women. Please.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Wow, that would certainly make the world a lot more peaceful. No more fundie women talking their nonsense. Can you imagine?

Don't you love this... all the Christians cry, "You're taking it out of context!" Way too funny.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

LOL! Chicks come out of the woodwork , for this one. If this was a personal forum, rather than an electronic one, the noise would be deafening.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

i copy and pasted this from a previous post I made that is still relevant here.

The first verse is speaking to a specific audience. It was written because the women in that church were interupting the reading of scripture.

The second verse is taken out of context quite often. If you look, he also speaks to men in the next couple verses. Husband and wives are supposed to be team. They each have things to contribute and if they love and honor each other, it makes the marriage much easier.

I Corinthian 11: doesn't degrade women at all. In fact, for those that say that woment must be silent in church, I use this verse, because It says, "but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth" it doesn't say if.

These verses were written by men yes, but inspired by God. When read in context they make a whole lot more sense. Jesus doesn't show favoritism.

There are plenty of other sciptures that show how women ministered to Jesus. They were the first at his ressurection, they told the disciples of Jesus' ressurection, they prepared his body after the crucifixion. They were intrical parts of His life.

The Bible doesn't discriminate, only those that interpret it.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Some Christan women are GOD'S Hand Madien's and Anointed for specific duties in the LORD'S Work! .....You don't have a spiritual right to tell women to shut up!....What you did was found a scritpure in the Bible and you took it out of context to kick around to women, what you don't know is (Paul had to put the church women unto subjection of authoruty by law at the church of Corinthians because they were out of order etc. etc. etc......You also don't know that there were Women which ministered with Paul in the ministry (Phil. 4: 3), There are also Women who GOD Anoints to Prophesy (Acts: 2: 17, 18)...GOD instructs Prophesy by all Men %26amp; Women (1 Cor. 14: 31), GOD shows No Partiality Towards His Handmaidens (women) For There is Neither MALE OR FEMALE Spiritually In GOD'S Eyes For all are One In Christ JESUS! (Galatians 3: 28).........The lists goes on and on!......You Need To Be Spiritually Educated And KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!....You Shut Up And Go To Church And Humble Yourself And Learn And Stop KICKING SCRIPTURES AROUND TO JUSTFY YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A BENEFIT TO GOD!......Ps. you tell the women judges, senators, policewomen, doctors, lawyers, etc. etc. to shut up and see what happens!....

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Im in the mood for some tofu.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

If woman should shut up, then why did Jesus appear and talk to Mary (a woman) ONLY before He ascended to His father God. (John 20:15-17)

Don't read your bible for pure argument.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

They can't help it LOL, it's in their nature.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

I don't understand why anyone who is non-believer sits around reading the text of believers just to take it out of context and start an argument. Obviously you are curious about how God can make your life better, or you wouldn't be reading. Maybe you should go to church and talk to someone.

God also commands that we put no other before him.... hummm, think about that. He also commands us not to judge, but aren't you judging us because we are Christian women? Just so you know, there are many POWERFUL, Christian women in the Bible, but I guess you forgot to read that part.

Proverbs 18: 2

"Fools have no interest in understanding, they only want to air their own opinions." NLT

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

God also states that when man and women are joined together they become as one. If her husband allows her to speak, teach work, she is allowed, But not to preach!! But I do agree with you there are to many women taking the mans position. In the world as well as in church! But who allows it to happen?

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

It's not necessarily that we should shut-up, but we should be in submission to our husbands. And our husbands should love us and treat us with kindness. I personally believes that a woman does not have the right to preach in a church. I do believe how-ever that they can spread the good news and teach from the bible. We are the weaker partner,and should realize this. But If God is not the head of the household and you don't believe in God, then one should not use scriptural passages in the bible to down grade women. Eve was made from Adam's rib. From his side. She was to be equal to Adam. If my husband treats me with love and respect,he gets it in return.The bible shows man how he should treat his wife, with LOVE.

Any suggestions for a "How To" project?

I can't draw or any origami stuff..I was going to do, How to braid hair but someone else is doing that. PLease help! I'm n 8th grade and we are not allowed to cook.

Any suggestions for a "How To" project?

What do YOU like to do? Is there some hobby that interests you?

Do you knit?

Play soccer?


Build things?

The easiest "how to" projects are those things you already know how to do!

(P.S. A real funny way to go is to turn it into a how NOT to -- like how NOT to get dressed in the morning!)

Any suggestions for a "How To" project?

lol we had to do that!!! i did how to give someone a manicure :)

Any suggestions for a "How To" project?

Do you know any card games? Maybe a "how to play Spades."

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

there is a woman on front with braided hair, seems to be in a bun.

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

1853 cent is $16.00 in good grade

and up to $175.00 in uncirculated grade.

This is from the 2007 Red Book, it should give you a good range depending on your coins condition.

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

Take it to a coin dealer. They would know

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

I lost one that was on a money clip. I paid $ 180.00 for mine but it depends on where it was minted and the condition.

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

Take it to a coin collector if its in good shape it may be worth lots of money.

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

1853 was one of the last years of large cents. They were discontinued in 1857. As with all coins, the condition is key. In an average "nice" condition, fine in coin speak, your coin is probably worth around $20. Better condition means more money, but it takes experience to accurately grade it. Find a coin collector friend to grade it for you, or get a copy of the Red Book and follow their grading descriptions unbiasedly, (people always want to grade their own coins high). Also, any damage to a coin dramatically affects the value, like major scratches, corrosion, or a hole.

Was given one cent large coin dated 1853. what would it be worth?

Take it to your local coin shop for an idea of what it is worth then list it Ebay for twice the amount.

How Can I Get More Connected?

I have an 18 year old sister, but i'm only 11 and she doesnt care about me. ( well she does i guess but she dont show it and dont care too much ) I know she's older and theres a big gap. She always say i wont understand but she doesnt know what i've been through. She will just throw low blow after low blow. I mean aren't sisters suppose to be there to gossip, tell secrets, braid hair or is that just the movies?

How Can I Get More Connected?

Seven years is a big difference in age. You don't have the same things in common. I would not worry to much, I would make my own friends and as you get older, you will understand more of what your sister is talking about. I have a four year difference between my sister and myself, and we didn't do a lot together, but as I got older we did more together. You have fun growing up, and forget about her, she'll wonder how come you grew up so fast without her.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sometimes sisters wont really get along with each other. but time will come if you are ready, lets say you've mature enough, then maybe you and your sister would get close.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Yeah, shes a jerk. Welcome to the real world. Just hang in there, it does get better.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sometimes people, even if they're in the same family, don't fit.

I have an older brother who's a full 11 years older than I am. Of course when we were younger and he was in high-school, I was his kid sister who bothered him and he wanted nothing to do with me.

We didn't really get close until he left for college. He would stay on weekends and it would be an event, he was super fun to hang out with, and now he's 27 and I'm 16 and we're best friends. I even get a long with his crowd and have been deemed "the coolest little sister ever"

Just be patient, she has some maturing to do and so do you. One day she'll turn around, but it might be that your personalities just don't fit. My art teacher has a twin sister who HATES her.

How Can I Get More Connected?

try telling your sister that! That you want to have more of a "sisterly" relationship. Ask her if she will join you in doing thigns you guys can do together despite the age difference. Invite her to come to the mall and ask her to help you pick something out. Maybe ask her to help you with your homework. Good luck

How Can I Get More Connected?

Dont worry... once you are a little older (not saying that you are really young; you seem very mature for an 11 year old!!) then the age gap will seem a little less important... and you will notice that you have more in common than you think.

My Sister and I are just as you say above, really good friends... but that didnt happen the day she was born. I'm an older sister, and I used to treat my little sister really bad. There's a 6 year difference between us and we are now BEST friends.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sounds like your more mature then your 18 yr. old sister! She just doesn't know what she's missing does she? Good Luck honey and you need to be proud of who you are I would have loved to have had a sister like you. Your right I would gossip with you and all that lol.

How Can I Get More Connected?

I have 2 older sisters. One is 6 years older %26amp; the other is 2 years older. Growing up I was very close to my sister that is 2 years older (we are still close), but as I mutured %26amp; got my own intrests, my oldest sister %26amp; I found out that we have a lot in common %26amp; are now just as close. I think that you should get your own intrest %26amp; keep trying to be a friend to your sister. She will come around, %26amp; come to value you. It may take a while, but let her know you care, will be there if she needs you, %26amp; love her.

I am wondering that is she right or not?

I have received a message today from a lady and I am wondering that is she right or not?

Message: This is a quote from what you sent in an e-mail to me 鈥淏ut I still confused for why I should stay in a marriage if I can't love my husband anymore and I just feel like I have to leave him again if my love for him is gone. So, please tell me what can I do"? Part of your duty to him is to never divorce him. Love is not just a feeling but also a commitment to stand by your husband no matter what. Leaving for a short time, which is called 芒鈧搒eparation芒鈧? is perfectly fine. The only problem was when you were vulnerable you became intimate with another man while being married. Stay with your husband not based on your feelings but to receive the blessing of God and your marriage will begin to prosper.

1 Peter 3:1-6

1Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 5For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, 6like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

My answer:

Thanks for writing and your advice! But I am wondering that should wives submissive to their husbands no matter what, even without mutual love? One of my best friend (she is a Christian) who tell me that it is wrong to stay with my husband if I don't love him and especially it is wrong to accept his love when he's trying to make love to me - actually have sex with me. That's the main point for me to think about I have to leave him again as soon as possible because I will be going crazy to doing this with him and it is unacceptable for me now. I don't mean to against you or God, but it is just the way it is. I am sorry for saying this but it is the truth.

P.S. I loved my husband before but any more now but love him in family way.

I have a story on my page here: so, please give me some of your opinion and thanks!

I am wondering that is she right or not?

If you no longer love your husband and you know he has treated you badly, get a divorce and go to Harry. You will be doing it for yourself and your husband, because he deserves to have a wife that is in love with him, and not just out of obligation. If you stay, nothing will change and you will be miserable. But don't leave him just to be with Harry, leave because you want to be independant, don't get married right away. Enjoy the freedom of finding out who you are and what you desire for yourself. When you have figured that out, then you will be ready to fully commit to someone else.

I am wondering that is she right or not?

leave him already..

I am wondering that is she right or not?

Yes you are wrong women are not made to be submissive so take your bible thumping beliefs and stick them where the sun don't shine

I am wondering that is she right or not?

i think she has the right idea but she is looking in the wrong direction. love is a choice u have to choose to love ur husband and this is a choice u must make BEFORE you get married. that is the problem with people today is they all go on feeling and that i not what marriage is all about. i would say that she should stay with her husband learn to appreciated and love him for him and not what she thinks she wants him to be. IF their is no way she can do that(which means she did not try hard enough) then she must leave because it is not just about her, he is also involved and she to stay faithful. she quotes from the bible but she does not know the real meaning of it. if she wants to she might need a consular for some help. good luck with this.

I am wondering that is she right or not?

What are the vows you say when a man and woman are married? If you are of certain faith it is said you are only allowed to divorce for certain reasons and I know one of them to be catholic. That is something you would need to check out if it is for religious reasons. Are their children involved,are the two of you constantly fighting,is he abusive,you???? These would all be reasons to get out and to get help,if not and u 2 have just grown apart and cannot get counseling or whatever to salvage the marriage then it is time to move on.

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

I find myself wondering more and more if im good enough to be a girlfriend. Im black but not african american. Im canadian and hatian. I have black usually braided hair. Im not tall but not concidered short, but i weigh a lot! If you saw me id seem to be about 110 pounds, but im not. I wear size 9 pants but its only cause of my huge thighs and butt! Im fairly average which is why im worried that ill always only pass for the average girl whos fairly pretty but never beautiful enough to go out with a guy. What do you think? Of Me?

thanx in advance


Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

whats wrong with average? only a few people can be "exceptional" to be called "exceptional"...! so dont worry, really, the right guy will come at the right time ;)

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

i tihnk your too young to be worried about it.

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?;...

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

You don't want to be dating a guy who asks you out because of the way you look, make friends first and meet plenty of people before choosing who you love.

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

oh hunny, you are young. trust me, a guy will come along who thinks you are the most beautiful thing hes ever seen. teenage boys arent very promising i know, but hang in there!

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

You sound cute

don't rush it honey.

Beautiful girls become beautiful woman

Lets see you become a brilliant and beautiful woman.

Deal with men in college, they aren't worth having till then any way. They just want sex and that is no good for you.

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

I agree with the other lady, you are too young to be worried about this. Let me give you a piece of advice if you get a guy with your body, you got to keep him with your body.

The man you will one day marry is not going to care about your looks(okay so that helps a bit), but he will fall in love with the girl on the inside not just the girl on the outside.

Stop worrying about having a boyfriend, not only are you too young but this isn't the time in your life to be tied down and you may find that being single is actually more fun then having a boyfriend. Keep your chin up!

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

well weight and size has nothing to do with if you'll make a good girlfriend. If your faithful and good to your man then it will be fine. But don't get yourself to worried. If you a teenager you don't have to worry about falling in love. Date guys, have fun, and don't worry about stupid guy stuff. Belive me, you will relize guys suck ! So stay single as long as possible lol. Good luck !

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

I think you're extremely skinny and you mentally add fifty pounds when you look in the mirror.

you're young yet, and you have time to find what you're looking for in a man. Don't limit yourself by convincing yourself that you're fat.

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

look i'm in the same f@#*kin boat my advice listen to the

girls who answered your question by the way guys love girls who have "backs"

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

well, some guys really like really dark skinned girls so find them and you should have an easy time, yea?

Am I a decent companion, ive never had a a young teen.?

anyone in the world can have some to love...just dont expect things and things will happen and learn to be happy with yourself before being happy wuth someone else

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

1 Corinthians chapter 14:

As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

1 Timothy chapter 2:

Also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion. Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.

In 1 Peter 3:7 we find: "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the WEAKER partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."

There God says it and COMMANDS it. Shut up!! (Christians only)

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Um maybe cause the Bible was written by males with their own agenda and not by G*d.

But it is lovely how many Christians pick and choose want they want from the Bible.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

LOL!! they cant

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

any type of women cant shut up, its just how they are

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Ha ha ha, the King laughs The King Applause!

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

hope that helps when the building is on fire and u don't get out cuz no1 tells ya. :) don't make stupid comments without at least taking the worst case scenario into consideration.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

if you had any understanding of the times that the bible was written you would understand how stupid and out of context those comments are. Now either learn or SHUT UP yourself

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

just as soon as you join the church. Some rules are specific for place and time. Women are no longer considered uneducatable, nor property. Funny that!

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Basically, this means that if wives have a question about Scripture, they should ask their husbands. The reason for this,is because the husband has a responsibility from God to keep his wife faithful to the Word and teach his household about the truth of God's Word. It's a huge responsibility that he has to answer for if he strays one bit. Also, this encourages the couple and their children to study Scripture at home and learn about it together. It brings the family unit closer together. The man is the head of the house, but he is also told to love his wife as he loves himself. It's not to treat her as a doormat.

God bless you.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

just read it again %26amp; analyze to whom did Paul addressed that passages? to d women in that area's not for all d christian women around d world...

everyone has d right to speak most esp when he/she speaks about d truth...

do u know d freedom of expression?? it's not for men alone...

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

if u aren't a christian then y r u reading the bible? if u are a christian then how can u be so judgemental.

1 timothy chapter 2 mentions a word u didn't see SUBMISSIVENESS aka how they submit to their husbands. not how they lead their life

1 peter 3:7 they are supossed to be the weaker partner because men (unlike you) take care of them and suport them and their children.

also have you read the book RUTH? Ruth was married and her husband died. her sister in law and mother were strong in their faith so they could take care of eachother. in Ruths faith in God (as being a women) was blessed and became remarried.

there is also the story of ESTER. she married the king and she saved her people aka jews by going to the king ( head man of the nation) and asked him to not kill his people. back then if a women talked out of her place and wasn't summoned, their were killed. God proected her because she had FAITH and SPOKE OUT to the KING.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

coz. this ain't a church. it is a yahoo looser for athei-twits anonymous.

I hope every Christian woman alive, eats you up and spits you out like the trash on earth you represent.

I love you. *kiss* God Bless You.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

yea we will when you do

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

You are an idiot. Enough said.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Typical men!!! They always complain about women. Please.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Wow, that would certainly make the world a lot more peaceful. No more fundie women talking their nonsense. Can you imagine?

Don't you love this... all the Christians cry, "You're taking it out of context!" Way too funny.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

LOL! Chicks come out of the woodwork , for this one. If this was a personal forum, rather than an electronic one, the noise would be deafening.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

i copy and pasted this from a previous post I made that is still relevant here.

The first verse is speaking to a specific audience. It was written because the women in that church were interupting the reading of scripture.

The second verse is taken out of context quite often. If you look, he also speaks to men in the next couple verses. Husband and wives are supposed to be team. They each have things to contribute and if they love and honor each other, it makes the marriage much easier.

I Corinthian 11: doesn't degrade women at all. In fact, for those that say that woment must be silent in church, I use this verse, because It says, "but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth" it doesn't say if.

These verses were written by men yes, but inspired by God. When read in context they make a whole lot more sense. Jesus doesn't show favoritism.

There are plenty of other sciptures that show how women ministered to Jesus. They were the first at his ressurection, they told the disciples of Jesus' ressurection, they prepared his body after the crucifixion. They were intrical parts of His life.

The Bible doesn't discriminate, only those that interpret it.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Some Christan women are GOD'S Hand Madien's and Anointed for specific duties in the LORD'S Work! .....You don't have a spiritual right to tell women to shut up!....What you did was found a scritpure in the Bible and you took it out of context to kick around to women, what you don't know is (Paul had to put the church women unto subjection of authoruty by law at the church of Corinthians because they were out of order etc. etc. etc......You also don't know that there were Women which ministered with Paul in the ministry (Phil. 4: 3), There are also Women who GOD Anoints to Prophesy (Acts: 2: 17, 18)...GOD instructs Prophesy by all Men %26amp; Women (1 Cor. 14: 31), GOD shows No Partiality Towards His Handmaidens (women) For There is Neither MALE OR FEMALE Spiritually In GOD'S Eyes For all are One In Christ JESUS! (Galatians 3: 28).........The lists goes on and on!......You Need To Be Spiritually Educated And KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!....You Shut Up And Go To Church And Humble Yourself And Learn And Stop KICKING SCRIPTURES AROUND TO JUSTFY YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A BENEFIT TO GOD!......Ps. you tell the women judges, senators, policewomen, doctors, lawyers, etc. etc. to shut up and see what happens!....

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

Im in the mood for some tofu.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

If woman should shut up, then why did Jesus appear and talk to Mary (a woman) ONLY before He ascended to His father God. (John 20:15-17)

Don't read your bible for pure argument.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

They can't help it LOL, it's in their nature.

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

I don't understand why anyone who is non-believer sits around reading the text of believers just to take it out of context and start an argument. Obviously you are curious about how God can make your life better, or you wouldn't be reading. Maybe you should go to church and talk to someone.

God also commands that we put no other before him.... hummm, think about that. He also commands us not to judge, but aren't you judging us because we are Christian women? Just so you know, there are many POWERFUL, Christian women in the Bible, but I guess you forgot to read that part.

Proverbs 18: 2

"Fools have no interest in understanding, they only want to air their own opinions." NLT

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

God also states that when man and women are joined together they become as one. If her husband allows her to speak, teach work, she is allowed, But not to preach!! But I do agree with you there are to many women taking the mans position. In the world as well as in church! But who allows it to happen?

Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?

It's not necessarily that we should shut-up, but we should be in submission to our husbands. And our husbands should love us and treat us with kindness. I personally believes that a woman does not have the right to preach in a church. I do believe how-ever that they can spread the good news and teach from the bible. We are the weaker partner,and should realize this. But If God is not the head of the household and you don't believe in God, then one should not use scriptural passages in the bible to down grade women. Eve was made from Adam's rib. From his side. She was to be equal to Adam. If my husband treats me with love and respect,he gets it in return.The bible shows man how he should treat his wife, with LOVE.

Does anyone know how to do no-knot cornrows?

if you dont know how to braid hair let alone do no-knot cornrows dont answer this question saying that you dont because its a waste of both your time and mine.

Does anyone know how to do no-knot cornrows?

yeah i do. i'm african and i work at an african braidng shop.

email me and i can give you the names of some people that can also do it i know braiders from all over the country i can get you a discount to the places as well

Does anyone know how to do no-knot cornrows?

this site gives instructions:

Does anyone know how to do no-knot cornrows?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Cornrows-

How do you do a Full Head Sew In Weave?

I'm trying to do my own full head sew in weave, does anyone have any tips are steps for me.....i already braid hair so i figure I should try to broden my credentials..... =)

How do you do a Full Head Sew In Weave?

If you purchase a black hair magazine they have ads advertising tapes that you can buy that will teach you the step by step process. Hopefully you braided your hair correctly (should be braided going in a circle). If you do not want to buy the tapes then sewing hair is like sewing clothes...make sure the hair is threaded tight to your braids. Good Luck!

How do you do a Full Head Sew In Weave?

It is best to braid the hair down in a spiral pattern, thinly spaced and with the kanekelon (not sure on the spelling) synthetic hair. Get the sturdy half moon shaped needle and good thick thread. Then you practice. Consider leaving some of your real hair exposed so that you can achieve a desired look that will cover the tracks. Good luck on your project, I would think that a task like that would tire your arms out.

How do you do a Full Head Sew In Weave?

You sow in the tracks on to the braids. You can double the tracks to create more thickness to the hair. Depending on how you braided your hair is the way you put the hair in. Take you needle and tread the needle,make sure its long enough to sow in the whole track once you've done that tie the end of the tread .Put the hair track to your braided hair and insert the needle thought the track and then thought the braided hair. Once you've done that secure the track to the braid by pulling it tightly ( Some people knot it or you can cut the tread and leave it like it is.

You can insert a part with a certain type of track or you can create one by pining the tracks together.

How do you do a Full Head Sew In Weave?

Don't do your own. Go to a professional. If you're doing someone else's, it would be a little easier, but that's really something you need to learn in cosmetology school.

How Can I Get More Connected?

I have an 18 year old sister, but i'm only 11 and she doesnt care about me. ( well she does i guess but she dont show it and dont care too much ) I know she's older and theres a big gap. She always say i wont understand but she doesnt know what i've been through. She will just throw low blow after low blow. I mean aren't sisters suppose to be there to gossip, tell secrets, braid hair or is that just the movies?

How Can I Get More Connected?

Seven years is a big difference in age. You don't have the same things in common. I would not worry to much, I would make my own friends and as you get older, you will understand more of what your sister is talking about. I have a four year difference between my sister and myself, and we didn't do a lot together, but as I got older we did more together. You have fun growing up, and forget about her, she'll wonder how come you grew up so fast without her.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sometimes sisters wont really get along with each other. but time will come if you are ready, lets say you've mature enough, then maybe you and your sister would get close.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Yeah, shes a jerk. Welcome to the real world. Just hang in there, it does get better.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sometimes people, even if they're in the same family, don't fit.

I have an older brother who's a full 11 years older than I am. Of course when we were younger and he was in high-school, I was his kid sister who bothered him and he wanted nothing to do with me.

We didn't really get close until he left for college. He would stay on weekends and it would be an event, he was super fun to hang out with, and now he's 27 and I'm 16 and we're best friends. I even get a long with his crowd and have been deemed "the coolest little sister ever"

Just be patient, she has some maturing to do and so do you. One day she'll turn around, but it might be that your personalities just don't fit. My art teacher has a twin sister who HATES her.

How Can I Get More Connected?

try telling your sister that! That you want to have more of a "sisterly" relationship. Ask her if she will join you in doing thigns you guys can do together despite the age difference. Invite her to come to the mall and ask her to help you pick something out. Maybe ask her to help you with your homework. Good luck

How Can I Get More Connected?

Dont worry... once you are a little older (not saying that you are really young; you seem very mature for an 11 year old!!) then the age gap will seem a little less important... and you will notice that you have more in common than you think.

My Sister and I are just as you say above, really good friends... but that didnt happen the day she was born. I'm an older sister, and I used to treat my little sister really bad. There's a 6 year difference between us and we are now BEST friends.

How Can I Get More Connected?

Sounds like your more mature then your 18 yr. old sister! She just doesn't know what she's missing does she? Good Luck honey and you need to be proud of who you are I would have loved to have had a sister like you. Your right I would gossip with you and all that lol.

How Can I Get More Connected?

I have 2 older sisters. One is 6 years older %26amp; the other is 2 years older. Growing up I was very close to my sister that is 2 years older (we are still close), but as I mutured %26amp; got my own intrests, my oldest sister %26amp; I found out that we have a lot in common %26amp; are now just as close. I think that you should get your own intrest %26amp; keep trying to be a friend to your sister. She will come around, %26amp; come to value you. It may take a while, but let her know you care, will be there if she needs you, %26amp; love her.

Self employed?

i braid hair i would like to know where can i get the tax form 1099

Self employed?

If you work for a company and they are the ones who pay you, then they are supposed to give you a 1099 showing how much they paid you. If the individual people pay you, then you wouldn't get one.

In any case, you don't need a 1099 to file your taxes. You are required to keep records of what you're paid, and you can file your return from your own records.

You'd report the income and any associated allowable expenses on a schedule C or C-EZ, and also fill out a schedule SE to calculate your self-employment tax (social security and medicare). The numbers from the bottom of the two schedules will transfer to your form 1040.

Self employed?

IRS website should have information regarding this.

Also, if you bring in alot of business, you should consider getting incorporated. The tax benefits can be big.

A question for christians?

If you truely believe in the bible, how come women aren't freaking out over Timothy 1 vs 9-15? Here is the quote...

9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing鈥攊f they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

A question for christians?

Another instance of the Pick and Choose Literalism that Christians practice, I see.

If those people truly live, as they say they do, by the Bible, then I must be missing something when I drive past churches on Sunday, and see the women in their furs and finery.

Sometimes I think Christians are a little flexible with the truth, when discussing their relationship with the Truth.

A question for christians?

A lot of people overlook this scripture....either that or justify it.

Personally I think it was just meant for THOSE TIMES and doesn't apply to today.

*looks up*

Did I just justify that scripture?? :-o

I think I did. :P

A question for christians?

What's there to freak out about? Do you also go by women should be married to the man who rapes them? You pick one thing from the Bible you pick it all, it's not a cafeteria selection. That is outdated, and so is women being silent to men. Today's society ensures all are equal, and it also ensures women don't have to marry the man who raped them. You want a society like that, go live 2000 years ago.

A question for christians?

Why would I freak out over that?

Women should dress modestly, as should all people.

Women should learn in submission, as should all people. It keeps order in classrooms, and in church services.

And in verse 12, it's SUPPOSED to read that women are not to USURP authority. In other words, if a man is a preacher (or deacon, or priest) of a church, no one (including women) should take the authority from him.

Again, why would I freak out over that? There are many instances of strong women in the Bible, who teach and lead. Deborah comes to mind. And Phoebe, who was the deaconess of the church in Cenchrea (Romans 16).

A question for christians?

its part pf a letter written by a man in a patriarchal society I agree with the modesty part as in its our deeds that show our faith not our clothing but as for women being saved through child bearing I am sure he was wrong. not all women have children and it is only Jesus who can save us from sin.

A question for christians?

Well what to you want them to do? Whats your point?

A question for christians?

dinosaurs came before Adam and Eve.

Adam was warned about the apple. Adam did not warn Eve. So go figure, it was man's fault because he was a ********.

frankly, I think the physical content of the bible can't be adapted for today's enviroment and society. Only the moral content - which is what it's all about! Basically, I think that passage is saying a bit that a women should not be indecent (and a man shouldn't). Then it just is claptrap. Not everything is sacred.

A question for christians?

i can see why it would be hard for modern women to not take offense, but it isn't implied as such. the times were certainly different and at the heart of it these virtues are true from Biblical teaching. to be silent doesn't mean to keep quiet, but to give the headship of the house to the husband... not to quarrel with him over authority. women were made different and men were made different. we aren't the same, but that isn't the same as saying we aren't equal. the duty of the husband complements the position of the woman very well.

A question for christians?

My wife and I have no problem with it...or any other part of the Word of God.

What is your problem?

A question for christians?

I only wear long skirts and modest shirts, I don't like jewelry and most of my cloths are custom made at home by my mother-in-law because most of the skirts sold in stores have some kind of slit up the side or are tight fitting and show too much. I was not always like this. I became a born again Christian, but before that I wore expensive jeans and anything that was in style. I got convicted of it and started wearing skirts and dressing very modest. I now feel very uncomfortable and not very feminine in jeans.

A question for christians?

With what would the problem lie?

That's 1 Timothy 2:9-15

"9 Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, 10 but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely, through good works."

%26gt;%26gt;A Christian isn't supposed to draw attention to themselves, but rather to the message of the Kingdom.

"11 Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence. "

%26gt;%26gt; Most people think of abusiveness when they think of submission. But that's not the case. The Bible points out that God, is a God of order and not chaos. Even though women are told to be submissive to their husband, husband's are submissive to Christ and Christ is submissive to God himself. (1 Cor. 11:3)

"13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression. "

%26gt;%26gt; Recall the creation story in Genesis. The serpent deceived Eve first.

"15 However, she will be kept safe through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind."

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; No problems there...

I just found an excellent article about those very verses. It's a bit much to read, but it's really good!

"Why did Paul write regarding a Christian wife: 鈥淪he will be kept safe through childbearing鈥?鈥? Timothy 2:15.

What does the context of this verse reveal about what Paul meant? Under inspiration he was giving counsel on the role of the Christian woman in the congregation. He wrote: 鈥淚 desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely, through good works.鈥?(1 Timothy 2:9, 10) Paul was urging his Christian sisters to be modest, to be balanced in choosing personal adornment, and to be 鈥榓dorned鈥?with good works.

Next, Paul explained the headship arrangement in the congregation, saying: 鈥淚 do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.鈥?(1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Corinthians 11:3) He explains the basis for this arrangement by showing that while Adam was not deceived by Satan, Eve 鈥渨as thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression.鈥?How could a Christian woman be protected against Eve鈥檚 error? Paul answers: 鈥淗owever, she will be kept safe through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind.鈥?(1 Timothy 2:14, 15) What did Paul mean by these words?

Some translators seem to imply that a woman鈥檚 salvation depends on her having children. For example, Today鈥檚 English Version says: 鈥淎 woman will be saved through having children.鈥?However, this interpretation of Paul鈥檚 words is not accurate. Many scriptures show that to be saved, a person must come to know Jehovah, believe in Jesus, and exercise faith, demonstrating that faith by works. (John 17:3; Acts 16:30, 31; Romans 10:10; James 2:26) In addition, Paul did not mean that safe childbirth is guaranteed to believing women. Women have come safely through the experience of giving birth whether they were believers or not. And sadly, some have died giving birth, whether they were believers or not.鈥擥enesis 35:16-18.

Paul鈥檚 additional counsel regarding women later in this same letter helps us to understand what he meant. He warns of some younger widows who were 鈥渦noccupied, gadding about to the houses; yes, not only unoccupied, but also gossipers and meddlers in other people鈥檚 affairs, talking of things they ought not.鈥?What was Paul鈥檚 advice? He continues: 鈥淭herefore I desire the younger widows to marry, to bear children, to manage a household, to give no inducement to the opposer to revile.鈥濃€? Timothy 5:13, 14.

Paul highlights the positive role of women in the family arrangement. Occupied with such activities as 鈥榖earing children and managing a household,鈥?a woman who continued 鈥渋n faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind鈥?would not gravitate toward conduct that is not upbuilding. Her spirituality would be preserved, or 鈥渒ept safe.鈥?(1 Timothy 2:15) Following such a course would help many young women to avoid Satan鈥檚 snares.

Paul鈥檚 words to Timothy remind all of us, men and women, to be profitably occupied. God鈥檚 Word advises all Christians: 鈥淜eep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons.鈥濃€擡phesians 5:15."

(Information taken from May 1, 2005 Watchtower, Questions from readers- published by Jehovah's Witnesses)

A question for christians?

christian women should dress modestly... nothing wrong with that, you wont catch me wearing fish-nets or tarty stuff outside the bedroom. christians are stuck in the stone age, clevage is acceptable, high heels.. whatever.

timothy 9 i translate as; dont dress like a prostitute, but with beauty, grace, decency.. Don't go over the top when it comes to vanity, and material possessions. But do good and give time to ministry, the church. That inner beauty is better than outside beauty.

"Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray鈥攏ot shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.

11-15I don't let women take over and tell the men what to do. They should study to be quiet and obedient along with everyone else. Adam was made first, then Eve; woman was deceived first鈥攐ur pioneer in sin!鈥攚ith Adam right on her heels. On the other hand, her childbearing brought about salvation, reversing Eve. But this salvation only comes to those who continue in faith, love, and holiness, gathering it all into maturity. You can depend on this. " thats the message version.

"11Let a woman in quietness learn in all subjection,

12and a woman I do not suffer to teach, nor to rule a husband, but to be in quietness, " young literals translation.

The submission is directed at wife/husband relationships, not all woman as i suspected.

ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

26. to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,

27. and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

28. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

wifes are told to submit, but then its not as if husbands have it easy either! we submit as the head of our family the husband/father is responsible and answerable to God for the decisions made. Wives submit, but are often good advisers. Its not like submission is giving over all freedom. with submission comes peace, if done correctly by both wife and husband. i dont see what there is to freak over about, there are many translations and each verse is open to personal understandings.

A question for christians?

What a good idea! Have you been to a Shul lately, where

everyone talks at once. No wonder they keep saying shhhhh.

A woman can teach or preach anywhere, she just needs to be

submitted to her husband.

What this is talking about is discipling according to the Jewish way to Learn. A Rabbi normally had about 12 disciples %26amp; this is about that %26amp; if women want to learn they

can in peace %26amp; harmony without being disturbed %26amp; at rest.

Paul tells us in 2 Cor 11:3 that Adam was the one who sinned,

Eve was deceived %26amp; became involved in Adam's sin. I do

believe that if Adam had not eaten, things would have been

made right, because he ate, sin came into the world.

Having children does not save women, YHWH God's plan is

for women to have children %26amp; as she devoted herself to that,

she is in harmony with YHWH's plan, as she trusts %26amp; lives a life set- apart for YHWH God.

Many women taught men in scripture, Lydia in Acts 16:14,40.

Priscilla in Acts 18:26 %26amp; Phoebe in Rom 16:1.

A question for christians?

I do believe the Bible, and I try, to follow in it's advice, all of it, including your citations, I am not perfect, and so I cannot do it perfectly, but the main thing is, that, I do try to do my best. There is actually nothing to freak out about.

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

1. Ponytail with side bangs

2. Braided hair

choose 1 or 2

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

I think pony tail - reason I got 2 points!1

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

I prefer the ponytail with side bangs instead of the braided hair.. braided hair to me looks kinda rough.. Ponytail looks more 'girly' for girls..

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

both are ok......braids are better to grab.

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

the ponytail with side bangs..

it draws your attention to their eyes and face in general.

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

I like the ponytail with side bangs :D

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

1 is close to what I like. The bangs.

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

Either one.. the only hairstyles i dont like on girls are bangs hanging down to your eyes, or a super butch short cut.

Guys; what hairstyle do you like on a girl?

I'm a girl and I like the ponytail better because it seems more sweet and approachable than the braids. I don't know, am I the only one? Oh well, I hope I helped :)

What does bible says about woman ?

I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. (1 Timothy 2:9-14)

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. (Colossians 3:18)

Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. (Genesis 3:16)

...As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (1 Corinthians 14:33-35)

If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. (Exodus 21:7-11)

"Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18)

If ... no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of the town shall stone her to death. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)

He [Jesus] answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:11-12)

If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. (Deuteronomy 22:22)

What does bible says about woman ?

They are tools to serve men, according to the bible.

What does bible says about woman ?

What's the question again?

What does bible says about woman ?

I hear all Christians(ok most that I've been in contact with) get on gays for what they do and swear up and down that its wrong because the bible says so. And it's one-two lines! Never do you hear them say these things, eh? Talk about picking and choosing, its pathetic.

Thumbs up for the 'tools' thing and down for me. Wow. You must be a man.

What does bible says about woman ?

The harsher verses are from the Old Testament-the Jewish Bible.Only Deuteronomy,Mark,Corinthiains and Timothy are in the New Testament-the Christian part of the bible.To understand the times God was a firm God to the Jews.If the disobeyed God,they were handed in captivity to their enemies or died.However Exodus talks of rights which women have had to fight for and are still fighting for in some parts of the world.It was extremely modern for its time,even when my grandmother married these rights were not seen as rights.It is not only women who have to obey God, but men too.There are many verses requiring men to respect and love their wives.The bible talks of a partnership and one that is compared to the church's relationship and God.Here are some verses-

1 Corinthians 7:4

The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.

Ephesians 5

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church閳?30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery閳ユ攤ut I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Colossians 3

19Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

1 Peter 3

7Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

1 Corinthians 7

3The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

32I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs閳ユ攬ow he can please the Lord. 33But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world閳ユ攬ow he can please his wife閳?34and his interests are divided.

Timothy talks of a woman who is plainly and modestly dressed and professing as a christian,does not shame God.Titus 2 (3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. ) gives older women the responsibilty of guiding younger women.

As for your Deuteronomy and Numbers verses Jesus swept that all away in John 8

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11"No one, sir," she said.

"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

What does bible says about woman ?

women is a part of a man,she is made from the rib of a she must love respect and love her man.

What does bible says about woman ?

While I have great faith, and believe in christian beliefs, this is one thing I do not agree with. Obviously, now it is very old fashioned. Women are obviously people. I dress conservatively, but nicely! Pearls are just fine with me. I believe in being 100% faithful to my boyfriend, and eventually husband, but some ideas about women the bible presents are not right.

I'm moving to Australia Sydney and i need to know where i can find a hair dresser for African h

The specific area i'm moving to is wollongong.

And i need someone who can braid and do perms.

I'm moving to Australia Sydney and i need to know where i can find a hair dresser for African hair.?

Hi i know there are a lot in sydney but its about an hour or 2 away from there. Im not sure if there are many places there that would do it, have a look at this is the australian phone book online.

I hope you enjoy beautiful Australia

I'm moving to Australia Sydney and i need to know where i can find a hair dresser for African hair.?

Woollongong is a few hours away from sydney, if in Sydney try China Town.

I'm moving to Australia Sydney and i need to know where i can find a hair dresser for African hair.?


Self employed?

i braid hair i would like to know where can i get the tax form 1099

Self employed?

If you work for a company and they are the ones who pay you, then they are supposed to give you a 1099 showing how much they paid you. If the individual people pay you, then you wouldn't get one.

In any case, you don't need a 1099 to file your taxes. You are required to keep records of what you're paid, and you can file your return from your own records.

You'd report the income and any associated allowable expenses on a schedule C or C-EZ, and also fill out a schedule SE to calculate your self-employment tax (social security and medicare). The numbers from the bottom of the two schedules will transfer to your form 1040.

Self employed?

IRS website should have information regarding this.

Also, if you bring in alot of business, you should consider getting incorporated. The tax benefits can be big.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

The true beauty of a woman

Is not in the clothes she wears,

the figure that she carries,

or the way she combs her hair.

The true beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where Love resides.

The true beauty of a woman

is not in a facial mole,

but true beauty in a woman

is graciously reflected in her soul.

The true beauty of a woman

It is the caring that she lovingly gives,

the passion in her Heart that she shows,

and the true beauty of a woman today

even in the passing years only grows.

The True beauty of a woman is from deep within

God made his children to be beautiful from the start,

but society has made us all blinded on the outside

for our inner eyes can only see that beauty is in the Heart...

I Peter 3:3-4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

you know i read some, but aim telling you that i like it very much and i would like to copy this and put in my bed room on the wall if i my please keep the good work up

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

That's beautiful and deep. If only others could see it that way!

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?


Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

i love it, thats real talk more man need to be like you

i loved this

The true beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where Love resides.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

Oh my lord that is so beautiful you have so REAL talent, Have you ever considerd going public with your art.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

deep, if only more guys thought that way

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

i think its good

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

It's good, but I would make some changes... Read below:

The true beauty of a woman

It is the caring she lovingly gives,

the passion she shows in her Heart,

and the true beauty of a woman today

even in the passing years only grows.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

its excellent .very very wonderful.liked it alot.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

I like it alot. It seems specific to one woman though, kinda closed off. I think you have more inside.

--Ture poets can never be in love. For love is a focus on one heart. When really poetry is to appeal to the heart of many.

---Swift 14 Mar 07

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

The true beauty of a woman

Is not in the clothes she wears,

the figure that she carries,

or the way she combs her hair.

The true beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where Love resides.

The true beauty of a woman

is not in a facial mole,

but true beauty in a woman

is graciously reflected in her soul.

The true beauty of a woman

It is the caring that she lovingly gives,

the passion in her Heart that she shows,

and the true beauty of a woman today

even in the passing years only grows.

The True beauty of a woman is from deep within

God made his children to be beautiful from the start,

but society has made us all blinded on the outside

for our inner eyes can only see that beauty is in the Heart...

I Peter 3:3-4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

you know i read some, but aim telling you that i like it very much and i would like to copy this and put in my bed room on the wall if i my please keep the good work up

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

That's beautiful and deep. If only others could see it that way!

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?


Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

i love it, thats real talk more man need to be like you

i loved this

The true beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where Love resides.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

Oh my lord that is so beautiful you have so REAL talent, Have you ever considerd going public with your art.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

deep, if only more guys thought that way

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

i think its good

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

It's good, but I would make some changes... Read below:

The true beauty of a woman

It is the caring she lovingly gives,

the passion she shows in her Heart,

and the true beauty of a woman today

even in the passing years only grows.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

its excellent .very very wonderful.liked it alot.

Please any and all poetry lovers. I would like your opinion on my poem!?

I like it alot. It seems specific to one woman though, kinda closed off. I think you have more inside.

--Ture poets can never be in love. For love is a focus on one heart. When really poetry is to appeal to the heart of many.

---Swift 14 Mar 07

Sewn-In Weave Question?

Hello all, I recently got a sewn in weave with a little bit of my own hair left out in the front, back, and sides. My hair is thick and there's a slight lump in the front. Is there a braiding pattern that's best for thick hair? The braid pattern that's currently in my hair is the snake...I think that the first 3 rows my HAVE to be redone. Any suggestions?

Sewn-In Weave Question?

If you tie it down at night with a head scarf then it shouldn't be lumpy in the front. But if it is still lumpy then your stylist may need to redo it. My hair was the same way once.

Please Help Me With A Rap!?

I need help coming up with a rap for something like a rap battle, please help me on this best rap will get a best answer:

- My Rap Name: Mohemia

- My Age: 15

- My Appearance: Short Hair, Chubby, Normal Kid, Grades Are Average, Wearing Normal Decent Clothing

- Rapping On: Jamie

- Age Of Jamie: 15

- His Appearance: Braided Hair, Chubby, Always Wearing A Hoody (Not Same One), Thinks He Is A Tank, Grades are low, Always listening to Souljah Boy

- His Nickname: Timbit

Please Help Me With A Rap!?

check this...

yo before i even start,

take your hood off so there aint no mistakin my remarks,

my ryhmes are fast and your words are slow

and you better believe it, cuz if this was a book you probably couldnt even read it.

I heard you wished soulja boy was ya siamese twin, that way ya'll could make out and it'd be kissin' kin...........

Thats all i got...good luck man

Please Help Me With A Rap!?


you gotta give us way more info.

Please Help Me With A Rap!?

going wit Tarheels lyrics

i heard u like soulja boy...but why u trying to be his little soulja girl..since your little secrets out go hide in your little tank

Please Help Me With A Rap!?

heard you listen to soulja boy, but why you tryin' to be his little soulja, boy?

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

what's the show called that was on PBS that had a girl who sat on a blue couch and had adventures from it? She had a cat and sometimes it'd show her going to her grandma's house. She had black braided hair I believe. She was trying to portray a puppet. Any clue on what i'm talking about???

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

Yes, that was The Big Comfy Couch. If you really want to see it, I'm sure you could find old shows on ebay!

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

sounds like the big comfy couch to me!

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

The Big Comfy Couch!

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

Hmmm... sounds like big comfy couch. Used to watch it all the time XD

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

The big comfy couch, I used watch it, remember the dust bunnies under the couch.

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

the big comfy couch

Trying to find the name of a PBS kids show?

big comfy couch

Hairstyle help?

I have shoulder length blonde hair and I...*sniff sniff* am stuck in a rut. I wear a ponytail everyday...I cante braid help please!!!!!

I will give you my undying love if you help me! (jaja jk)

Hairstyle help?

Shave it off!

Bald is Beautiful!!

Hairstyle help?

ponytails are coming back in. i think you could leave it down a couple days a week to help repair your hair folicles.

Hairstyle help?

you can try side bangs or you can do pigtails. lol. or a short bun. hmm also half a ponytail or you can wear a side ponytail. and i heard hair grows faster in the sun so you could do dat while you wait. but remember to protect your hair so it doesn't get dryed out.

Hairstyle help?

i have shoulder length hair to,i just put it half can do lots like pink-tails(like behind your ears-laying on your shoulders)umm you can just wear it down,just get creative!

you can also part it differently all sorts of things just play with it!

Hairstyle help?

go to a hair salon and ask for advice.

Hairstyle help?

Try hot rollers.

Hairstyle help?

When I clicked on this question, I thought you were going to ask how to say ponytail in French, but NOOOO, you had to post in the wrong section.

Anyways, I think you should do the Sinead O'Connor thing and get a crew cut. that ALWAYS looks good on girls.

Hairstyle help?

y did u put ur question in this category, put it in Beauty and ....

What are some different things you can do with your hair??

i know like buns were it 1/2 up all up pigtails braids that stuff but is there anything diffrent not like crazy but cute??

What are some different things you can do with your hair??

you could;

+leave it down

+clip bangs back [if you have any]

+ponytail on the side, with loose curls.

+straiten it [every once and awhie]

+a very bright headband

hope i helpedd.


Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

I used to be a thug. Braided hair driving a big body sittin on 30's, this was a while ago people, I stayed high and drunk then I hooked up with this hood chick. She got pregnant I straigtened out got a job cut my hair and stopped drinking. I bought a family car and tried to do right by my son and my family. My girl got bored with the new responsible me and basically stepped out on me with a thug who was still living with mom at 28. Meanwhile I had money and resources property and education yet she lost interest in me. What happened?

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

They are gluttons for punishment. It is admirable that you cleaned yourself up to be a better influence on your son. I, sir, salute you.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

you evolved. find someone better.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?


Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

u weren't acting like a bad boy anymore so she lost interest.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

u grew up hopefully someday for the sake of ur child she does to. move on hun good for u for being responseable... do u really wanna a thug ********* anyways???

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

Maybe the new you was to boring,sounds like your trying to be ward cleaver just cause she had a baby.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

It's ok to be hood and responsible.You may have lost all your edge. That doesn't make what she did right but everyone has their desires, just like you have yours. The problem many people have is thinking that just because they have a baby with someone they have to be together. You can take care of your son and not be wit his mom.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

you quit being what she wanted?



Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

My boyfriend asks me this alot. I think it has alot to do with maturity. Several young or immature girls are intrigued by the "bad boy style" and often don't realize that these guys are good for nothing. I agree with the OP, you evolved, she didn't--you can't make her. Move on to someone who want's something out of life.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

because women are stoopid that way.

by the way, they have cheating hearts and wondering eyes.

they dont know a good thing when they see one.

they just want the sex, excitement and the money. thats all.

so when u straigtened up and became one of us 'normal' guys. u officially became uncool. sorry dude. return to your old ways and u'll get laid more often. women are materialistic, shallow.

i know man. i know.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

I think ladies LIKE the "bad boy" image, but really are looking for a responsible caring man in their lives.

To win - look like one, but don't act like it too often.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

sweetie a thug is all she knows. and when you got better she should have done the same. but the hood will be the hood because they don't want nothing else. i'm proud of you and your sucess now move on find you a new chick

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

woman who go out with "bad boys" or pathetic losers as i call them are insecure drama queens. they want excitement in their lives because they are boring attention seeking drama queens and they want someone to treat them bad because they are pathetic and insecure and "believe" they don't deserve better yet they keep going back. i'm really impressed that you have changed for your child because it takes alot of courage and responsibilty to become the person you need to be for your child. don't waste another minute on your ex (his mother) because she is playing games. if you go back she will continue to do it and you will be just as bad as the girls who want bad boys and thugs. good luck and find a nice girl who deserves you.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

Women are nuts!

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. In spite of what their mouth say, the majority of women do not want good guys or gentlemen, too boring and dull. If you are not a Casanova pretty boy that looks like he fell out of a Calvin Klein ad, with the personality of standing tap water, and the smarts of a common garden slug, they want a thug. A hood rat. A cad. Some oafish a** hole to use and abuse them and treat them like dirt. But, the bad boy is like the roller coaster, an element of danger. Like playing with matched in a field of wheat. It is like having the hot red sports car. When she pull to the curve everyone is oowing and ahhhhhhhing. Even though she is left stranded way too many times. She can ignore that for the few times she can be the spot light and hug curves at break neck speed getting there. You are like the dependable car that will get you there, get you home, but goes unseen by on lookers(at least the circles she runs in) Some girls can not tell the difference between tall timber and scrub brush. They want flash over substance. And the thing about flash, it burns you. One day she will see how many times she has been burned and look for substance but by that time guys like you will have been snatched up by women who had some sense. It is one thing to ride around in 20 in DUBs and look like you have money. And another thing driving up on fully equip Jag and having people know you have the money.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?

Good luck brother. Sorry to read this.

I was underemployed when I met my ex. I got work, then promoted myself to a good ft job in NYC %26amp; working pt. I was also going to night school, volunteering %26amp; networking. Then I was about to be offered a great job in a University when she self destructed.

My ex did some crazy stuff

%26amp; I divorced her. She went nuts! Cheated, stole $, lied to the police, lied in court, got me fired from a job, spread rumors in town %26amp; did everything to destroy me. In the process she destroyed our son who is still socially %26amp; emotionally years behind. To boot, 3 judges caught her committing perjury but she was never punished! One judge had her physically removed from court for threatening my lawyer.

I can't respect her anymore. She's been living with a guy for 5 years + but is always trying to go to bed with me. The guy she is with is a good guy %26amp; she has already cheated on him.

He cried on my shoulders...%26amp; he's a tough guy.

Crazy thing, when I told my story in a divorce groups and others, women attacked me! Guess they believe all women are Saints.

My bud says "they crush you once, they crush you again." Good luck.

Why do women fall for thugs yet complain they cant find good guys?


There are lots of women who love good guys. however, the ones (hint,hint) that are TOO WIRED, are a turn-off,.