1 Corinthians chapter 14:
As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
1 Timothy chapter 2:
Also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion. Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.
In 1 Peter 3:7 we find: "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the WEAKER partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."
There God says it and COMMANDS it. Shut up!! (Christians only)
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Um maybe cause the Bible was written by males with their own agenda and not by G*d.
But it is lovely how many Christians pick and choose want they want from the Bible.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
LOL!! they cant
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
any type of women cant shut up, its just how they are
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Ha ha ha, the King laughs The King Applause!
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
hope that helps when the building is on fire and u don't get out cuz no1 tells ya. :) don't make stupid comments without at least taking the worst case scenario into consideration.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
if you had any understanding of the times that the bible was written you would understand how stupid and out of context those comments are. Now either learn or SHUT UP yourself
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
just as soon as you join the church. Some rules are specific for place and time. Women are no longer considered uneducatable, nor property. Funny that!
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Basically, this means that if wives have a question about Scripture, they should ask their husbands. The reason for this,is because the husband has a responsibility from God to keep his wife faithful to the Word and teach his household about the truth of God's Word. It's a huge responsibility that he has to answer for if he strays one bit. Also, this encourages the couple and their children to study Scripture at home and learn about it together. It brings the family unit closer together. The man is the head of the house, but he is also told to love his wife as he loves himself. It's not to treat her as a doormat.
God bless you.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
just read it again %26amp; analyze to whom did Paul addressed that passages? to d women in that area only...it's not for all d christian women around d world...
everyone has d right to speak most esp when he/she speaks about d truth...
do u know d freedom of expression?? it's not for men alone...
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
if u aren't a christian then y r u reading the bible? if u are a christian then how can u be so judgemental.
1 timothy chapter 2 mentions a word u didn't see SUBMISSIVENESS aka how they submit to their husbands. not how they lead their life
1 peter 3:7 they are supossed to be the weaker partner because men (unlike you) take care of them and suport them and their children.
also have you read the book RUTH? Ruth was married and her husband died. her sister in law and mother were strong in their faith so they could take care of eachother. in Ruths faith in God (as being a women) was blessed and became remarried.
there is also the story of ESTER. she married the king and she saved her people aka jews by going to the king ( head man of the nation) and asked him to not kill his people. back then if a women talked out of her place and wasn't summoned, their were killed. God proected her because she had FAITH and SPOKE OUT to the KING.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
coz. this ain't a church. it is a yahoo looser for athei-twits anonymous.
I hope every Christian woman alive, eats you up and spits you out like the trash on earth you represent.
I love you. *kiss* God Bless You.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
yea we will when you do
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
You are an idiot. Enough said.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Typical men!!! They always complain about women. Please.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Wow, that would certainly make the world a lot more peaceful. No more fundie women talking their nonsense. Can you imagine?
Don't you love this... all the Christians cry, "You're taking it out of context!" Way too funny.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
LOL! Chicks come out of the woodwork , for this one. If this was a personal forum, rather than an electronic one, the noise would be deafening.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
i copy and pasted this from a previous post I made that is still relevant here.
The first verse is speaking to a specific audience. It was written because the women in that church were interupting the reading of scripture.
The second verse is taken out of context quite often. If you look, he also speaks to men in the next couple verses. Husband and wives are supposed to be team. They each have things to contribute and if they love and honor each other, it makes the marriage much easier.
I Corinthian 11: doesn't degrade women at all. In fact, for those that say that woment must be silent in church, I use this verse, because It says, "but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth" it doesn't say if.
These verses were written by men yes, but inspired by God. When read in context they make a whole lot more sense. Jesus doesn't show favoritism.
There are plenty of other sciptures that show how women ministered to Jesus. They were the first at his ressurection, they told the disciples of Jesus' ressurection, they prepared his body after the crucifixion. They were intrical parts of His life.
The Bible doesn't discriminate, only those that interpret it.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Some Christan women are GOD'S Hand Madien's and Anointed for specific duties in the LORD'S Work! .....You don't have a spiritual right to tell women to shut up!....What you did was found a scritpure in the Bible and you took it out of context to kick around to women, what you don't know is (Paul had to put the church women unto subjection of authoruty by law at the church of Corinthians because they were out of order etc. etc. etc......You also don't know that there were Women which ministered with Paul in the ministry (Phil. 4: 3), There are also Women who GOD Anoints to Prophesy (Acts: 2: 17, 18)...GOD instructs Prophesy by all Men %26amp; Women (1 Cor. 14: 31), GOD shows No Partiality Towards His Handmaidens (women) For There is Neither MALE OR FEMALE Spiritually In GOD'S Eyes For all are One In Christ JESUS! (Galatians 3: 28).........The lists goes on and on!......You Need To Be Spiritually Educated And KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!....You Shut Up And Go To Church And Humble Yourself And Learn And Stop KICKING SCRIPTURES AROUND TO JUSTFY YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A BENEFIT TO GOD!......Ps. you tell the women judges, senators, policewomen, doctors, lawyers, etc. etc. to shut up and see what happens!....
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
Im in the mood for some tofu.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
If woman should shut up, then why did Jesus appear and talk to Mary (a woman) ONLY before He ascended to His father God. (John 20:15-17)
Don't read your bible for pure argument.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
They can't help it LOL, it's in their nature.
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
I don't understand why anyone who is non-believer sits around reading the text of believers just to take it out of context and start an argument. Obviously you are curious about how God can make your life better, or you wouldn't be reading. Maybe you should go to church and talk to someone.
God also commands that we put no other before him.... hummm, think about that. He also commands us not to judge, but aren't you judging us because we are Christian women? Just so you know, there are many POWERFUL, Christian women in the Bible, but I guess you forgot to read that part.
Proverbs 18: 2
"Fools have no interest in understanding, they only want to air their own opinions." NLT
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
God also states that when man and women are joined together they become as one. If her husband allows her to speak, teach work, she is allowed, But not to preach!! But I do agree with you there are to many women taking the mans position. In the world as well as in church! But who allows it to happen?
Why don't Christian women just SHUT UP!???!?
It's not necessarily that we should shut-up, but we should be in submission to our husbands. And our husbands should love us and treat us with kindness. I personally believes that a woman does not have the right to preach in a church. I do believe how-ever that they can spread the good news and teach from the bible. We are the weaker partner,and should realize this. But If God is not the head of the household and you don't believe in God, then one should not use scriptural passages in the bible to down grade women. Eve was made from Adam's rib. From his side. She was to be equal to Adam. If my husband treats me with love and respect,he gets it in return.The bible shows man how he should treat his wife, with LOVE.
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