Monday, November 16, 2009

I am wondering that is she right or not?

I have received a message today from a lady and I am wondering that is she right or not?

Message: This is a quote from what you sent in an e-mail to me 鈥淏ut I still confused for why I should stay in a marriage if I can't love my husband anymore and I just feel like I have to leave him again if my love for him is gone. So, please tell me what can I do"? Part of your duty to him is to never divorce him. Love is not just a feeling but also a commitment to stand by your husband no matter what. Leaving for a short time, which is called 芒鈧搒eparation芒鈧? is perfectly fine. The only problem was when you were vulnerable you became intimate with another man while being married. Stay with your husband not based on your feelings but to receive the blessing of God and your marriage will begin to prosper.

1 Peter 3:1-6

1Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 5For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, 6like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

My answer:

Thanks for writing and your advice! But I am wondering that should wives submissive to their husbands no matter what, even without mutual love? One of my best friend (she is a Christian) who tell me that it is wrong to stay with my husband if I don't love him and especially it is wrong to accept his love when he's trying to make love to me - actually have sex with me. That's the main point for me to think about I have to leave him again as soon as possible because I will be going crazy to doing this with him and it is unacceptable for me now. I don't mean to against you or God, but it is just the way it is. I am sorry for saying this but it is the truth.

P.S. I loved my husband before but any more now but love him in family way.

I have a story on my page here: so, please give me some of your opinion and thanks!

I am wondering that is she right or not?

If you no longer love your husband and you know he has treated you badly, get a divorce and go to Harry. You will be doing it for yourself and your husband, because he deserves to have a wife that is in love with him, and not just out of obligation. If you stay, nothing will change and you will be miserable. But don't leave him just to be with Harry, leave because you want to be independant, don't get married right away. Enjoy the freedom of finding out who you are and what you desire for yourself. When you have figured that out, then you will be ready to fully commit to someone else.

I am wondering that is she right or not?

leave him already..

I am wondering that is she right or not?

Yes you are wrong women are not made to be submissive so take your bible thumping beliefs and stick them where the sun don't shine

I am wondering that is she right or not?

i think she has the right idea but she is looking in the wrong direction. love is a choice u have to choose to love ur husband and this is a choice u must make BEFORE you get married. that is the problem with people today is they all go on feeling and that i not what marriage is all about. i would say that she should stay with her husband learn to appreciated and love him for him and not what she thinks she wants him to be. IF their is no way she can do that(which means she did not try hard enough) then she must leave because it is not just about her, he is also involved and she to stay faithful. she quotes from the bible but she does not know the real meaning of it. if she wants to she might need a consular for some help. good luck with this.

I am wondering that is she right or not?

What are the vows you say when a man and woman are married? If you are of certain faith it is said you are only allowed to divorce for certain reasons and I know one of them to be catholic. That is something you would need to check out if it is for religious reasons. Are their children involved,are the two of you constantly fighting,is he abusive,you???? These would all be reasons to get out and to get help,if not and u 2 have just grown apart and cannot get counseling or whatever to salvage the marriage then it is time to move on.

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